How it works!

In 4 simple steps to the perfect lunch

1. - Sign up
Sign up for GoodLunch
Create your organization or company on GoodLunch. Try everything completely free for 30 days. Get started here
step 1
step 2
2. - Settings
Create the ground rules
You decide in what form and how often the lunch lottery happens. Should it be weekly or monthly, remote or in the office? How big should the lunch groups be? Everything is up to you.
3. - Share
Invite members or share the link
You add members directly in your dashboard or you just share an invite link in your favorite company chat. Otherwise there are tools like .csv import or Microsoft Teams connection (in development).
step 4
step 4
4. - Network
Wait for your invite, have fun!
That's it! In your choosen interval, invites will be sent out and people can connect. You still have full control in your dashboard and members can always opt out or change their preferences.